(DVIR) Driver Vehicle Inspection Report
(DVIR) Driver Vehicle Inspection Report
Common Questions:
Does §396.11 require the DVIR to be turned in each day by a driver dispatched on a trip of more than one day’s duration?
A DVIR must be completed for each work day, and must be returned to the home terminal address at the end of the shift. If there is an item on the DVIR for the day that may affect the safety of operating the motor vehicle on subsequent days, it must be repaired, before continuing to operate.
Does §396.11 require that the power unit and the trailer be inspected?
Absolutely. The driver should feel certain that the combination is in safe operating condition.
May more than one power unit be included on the DVIR if two or more power units were used by a driver during one day’s work?
- A separate DVIR must be prepared for each power unit operated during the shift.
Does §396.11 require a motor carrier to use a specific type of DVIR?
No, a motor carrier is free to use any type of DVIR so long as it meets all regulations, including appropriate information and required signatures.
What constitutes a "certification" as required by §396.11(c)(1) and (2)?
A motor carrier and the repair person must certify in writing that the defects listed have been repaired. This is applicable to both tractors and trailers. The motor carrier must maintain the original DVIR for 3 months.
Which carrier is to be provided the original of the DVIR in a trip lease arrangement?
The motor carrier controlling the vehicle during the term of the lease must be given the original DVIR, they are also responsible for obtaining records of related repairs.
Must a DVIR carried on a power unit during operation cover both the power unit and trailer being operated at the time?
No, the DVIR must cover the power unit, but the trailer on there port may be one pulled on a preceding trip.
Where must DVIRs be maintained?
Since §396.11 is not specific, the DVIRs may be kept at the Principal Place of Business or at the terminal.